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“Healthy marriages are an integral part of healthy churches.”

The first institution ordained by God was the relationship of a husband and wife. Obviously, marriage is sacred to the divine and important to the success of any society. It is also vital to the health and well-being of the church. Truly a church body is only as strong as the marriages and families within it.

However, statistically the divorce rate within the church is not much better than the rate outside the church. Also 94% of churches spend $0 annually on active marriage ministry. Truthfully most local churches do not have the financial sustainability or staffing capability to make this possible. Pastors and staff are being stretched too thin with the responsibilities they already have. Adding another layer to their overwhelming schedule sounds daunting and exhausting even understanding the importance of the need within the congregation.

Live the Life has successfully helped churches for 25 years relieve the burden of pastors and church staff when it comes to equipping couples within the church and fostering healthy marriages, families and relationships. Independent research has proven the educational resources and relationship skills offered by Live the Life makes an overwhelming difference to the health of a marriage.

Imagine your church with equipped volunteers and staff who are able to mentor young couples, regularly equip couples toward a healthier marriage, nurture the relationship skills of families and lovingly come alongside couples in crisis. This is not an outside organization doing this important work, but the local body of Christ functioning together to increase the kingdom of God and grow the church. What a difference this would make in your community knowing there is a church that cares about marriages and families!

Happy Couple Hugging


  • Train volunteers and staff regularly

  • Provide proven resources and skills to be implemented by the church’s marriage team

  • Be on call to assist as needed

  • Equip the team to have the confidence and knowledge needed to do the work

There are so many good organizations and ministries churches support like crisis pregnancy centers, foster care ministries, homeless shelters, addiction recovery, etc. Everyone of these ministries is a direct result of the failure and breakdown of the marriage and family. We believe we are proactively working to prevent further crises and promote healthy and whole families and churches for the good of His people and the glory of God.

For information on how you can partner with Live the Life to develop a healthy marriage ministry contact Raul Benitez at

Live the Life-San Antonio Logo

New Braunfels, TX 78132



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